When Kara reached out to me about scheduling Signal Mountain family photos , I thought, “Wait, I recognize her!” We really should have met before now. Kara and I share so many connections. We graduated from the same high school just 2 years apart. We go to the same church (but different services). One of my sweet mentees/friends was a student in her department at UTC. I think it’s so funny that we should have met so many different ways. In the end it was photography that brought us together.
This is one sweet family! During our pre-session planning, Kara sent me a brief description of all of her kiddos. It cracked me up how accurate she was. Benjamin, the outgoing first-born greeted me with an excited smile. Colin was more reserved but warmed up quickly when he saw his big brother having fun. Theo wiggled like the adorable wildcard I expected.
I have two favorite little memories from our session. Firstly, in a family session, once I knock out a round of kid and full family pictures, I try to get a few parent-only shots if the kiddos are old enough to stay out of trouble. I’ve found that the more kiddos you have, the harder it is to get a picture with just your spouse on a regular basis. It also gives the kids a chance to take a break. Evidently, the Hamilton boys didn’t want a break. The moment the boys realized their mom and dad were being photographed alone, they flocked them and I got some of my favorite family shots of the evening.
Secondly, near the end of our session, an airplane flew over. Little Theo, who had been pretty silent up to this point, looked up and loudly whispered “airpwain” in the sweetest little voice. That word was the key to several more cute Theo smiles during the remainder of the session.
Here are some of my favorites of the Hamilton’s Signal Mountain family photos at McCoy Farms! For more information about photo sessions with me, click here.