Lookout Mountain Anniversary Photo Session: The Nolans

Family Photography Sessions

5 grandsons, 2 daughters, and 50 years of marriage. Happy Golden Anniversary to the Nolans! It was such a joy to play a small part in this couple’s celebration by providing a Lookout Mountain anniversary photo session.

When Andy was recovering from surgery a few weeks ago, inspiration struck. He decided it was time to gift Suzanne the VW Beetle she had always wanted. The surprise was a family effort and they pulled it off perfectly. In fact, Lauren and Chrissy drove up honking with a backseat full of cheering grandsons while I hid in the driveway to capture Suzanne‘s reaction. Suzanne’s complete shock was priceless! 

Lauren and Chrissy gifted their parents with and extended family session. We took these photos after the surprise. It was so special to capture these three generations at the home where so many big and small moments of this marriage have occurred. This is where Andy and Suzanne raised their daughters!

May they have many more years of love and family celebrations. If you see Suzanne cruising around the mountain in her new convertible Bug, give her a wave and wish her a Happy Anniversary! Here are some of my favorites form their Lookout Mountain anniversary photo session.

“True love doesn’t happen right away; it’s an ever-growing process. It develops after you’ve gone through many ups and downs, when you’ve suffered together, cried together, laughed together.”

Ricardo Montalban

For information about scheduling an extended family session with me, please find my contact information here.