Meet Kelley

Sometimes half the battle is knowing what to expect!

From my experience as a fellow mom and pediatric occupational therapist, I have learned that children tend to participate better in novel situations when they are prepared and know what to expect. To make this process a little easier, I have put together a little "social story" that you can use with your children when talking to them about their upcoming session! I recommend reading through this with your child more than once in the days before our session. Keep it positive and answer any of the great little questions they come up with!

This is Ms. Kelley!  She is a photographer and she is going to take some very special pictures of you. 

This is the camera she uses to take your picture.  It's big and black and sometimes she hold it up to her eye to see the picture she's taking. 

When she pushes buttons on her camera, you may hear a clicking or beeping noise. 

Sometimes Ms. Kelley uses special lights to make sure she can see you in her camera.  These look like big white umbrellas. When she takes your picture these will flash with light. 

Make sure you listen closely to Ms. Kelley. She will tell you what to do and where to stand or sit.  When kids are good listeners, she likes to have fun and giggle with them.